
We provide all the tools and resources to help you sell Ultimate Health Plans and be a successful agent.

Welcome Agents

For questions or concerns, please contact our agent services at 877-322-4029. We are available Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm.

Become an Agent

Our onboarding and certification process is simple! Register, complete your onboarding forms, watch the agent certification training, and pass the certification exam with a score of 85% or higher.

Enrollment Resources

Compare plans and enroll beneficiaries using our electronic enrollment platform

Access our printable enrollment application and forms

Find detailed information about our plans by accessing our plan documents and forms

Agent Resources

Our Agent Portal gives you the ability to update your personal information, renew your certification and access your membership, commission statements and plan documents.

Check LIS or Medicaid eligibility by calling 877-322-4029

Send completed enrollment applications and applicable forms to:

Fax: 352-515-5969
Ultimate Health Plans
Attn: Enrollment
PO Box 3459
Spring Hill, FL 34611