Exciting News! For faster service, you can now check claim status and verify member eligibility online at ProviderPortal.UHP.Health
Help Honor Your Patients’ Wishes. Our physicians and practitioners should discuss advance directives with their patients (as appropriate) and file a copy of any advance directive document (e.g., living will, durable power of attorney for health care, health care proxy, or Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) request in a prominent place within their medical record. Each medical record that contains an advance directive should clearly indicate that said document is included.
Ultimate Health Plans processes authorization requests according to the following general time frames, which comply with Medicare guidelines:
NOTE: Please ensure that your authorization request includes adequate documentation and/or information to medically support the request. If the information submitted is not adequate, the determination will be based upon the available information and/or lack of medical information. To expedite the process and to ensure appropriateness of the decision, it is very important that relevant clinical information be submitted with the request.
Request for Extensions: Ultimate may extend the decision time frame up to 14 calendar days. This extension is allowed if the enrollee requests the extension or if the provider or Ultimate can justify a need for additional information and documents how the delay is in the best interest of the enrollee.
The Prescription Drug Determination Request Form can be used for the following:
To file an appeal (request for redetermination) for a Medicare prescription drug denial please have your provider complete the form below:
Ultimate Health Plans will cover a Transition Supply for enrollees who have a level of care change. We will provide the member with a written notice after we cover the Transition Supply. This notice will explain the steps they can take to request an exception and how to work with their doctor to decide if they should switch to an appropriate drug that we cover. These reference guides were specifically designed for our providers to quickly outline the benefits offered under each plan. For the full list of benefits and descriptions, visit our Plan Documents page.